Crest: Familles Demers (Demers Families).
Supporters: Two oak branches with eight acorns.
Motto: De Mers! De Foi! De Fidélité! (From the Seas! With Faith! From Loyalty)!
Shield: Azure, silver chevron with three golden trees; on a chief gules with one golden scallop shell, between two leopards of the same, armed and azured tongue.
The azure (blue) symbolizes Québec, the land adopted by the Demers ancestors.
The chevron argent (silver chevron) is a reminder of the trade these ancestors exercised upon coming to settle along the shores of the St. Lawrence River.
The three gold trees represent our three ancestors and their progeny, and also the may tree.
The gules (red) and the two golden leopards refer to Normandy, the ancient French province from where came our Demers ancestors.
The coquille Saint-Jacques (scallop shell) is a symbol of the Saint-Jacques Parish in Dieppe, France, the place the Demers ancestors were born.
De Mers ! (From the Seas) From across the seas they came to settle in unknown lands.
De Foi ! (With Faith) Strong with faith and courage they came to these lands and opened them to pioneers.
De Fidélité ! (With Loyalty) Concerned with the ideal of maintaining a vivid memory of our ancestors’ history and to remain loyal to their values and traditions.
Arms designer : Michel Langlois
©Association des familles Demers inc. Copyright No. : 471524